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If there’s one rule Charmaine applies to her position at Bridgecity, it’s data accuracy.

It’s her job to ensure that investors get their timely dividends and her colleagues and clients get real time updates. Charmaine has always had a thing for numbers and is a practicing accountant. With 14 years of experience working for the Jamaican Student Loan Bureau, she applied her years as a management accountant to her roles at Bridgecity, offering the company a new perspective in terms of financial acuity.

Always keeping abreast with the insurance details, maturity dates and investment details, Charmaine micromanages the reporting side of the company for a most accurate process. With a grip on management intricacies, she finds it stimulating to be dealing with property owners, as opposed to her previous communication with committee boards. “It’s like I’m utilizing my varied expertise to completely focus on property investment finance and profit assessments.”

If there’s one noteworthy thing Charmaine has become known for at the office, it’s an obsession for time management, something her colleagues appreciate and rely on. She keeps the company checks and balances accurate, always having the investors and borrowers’ best interests in mind. It’s perhaps this obligatory requirement that utilizes her time management efficiency to the max.